No Pesticides Means Safer Crop Production

If you’re growing vegetables or fruit in your own garden, and you’re not using no pesticides, then you owe it to yourself to do so. You’ll find that your crops will be healthier, and you’ll have prevented one more potential source of food supply loss around the world. However, if you still haven’t made the switch, please pay heed. Pesticides have been linked to health problems, including cancer.

no pesticides

The more we learn about the dangers of pesticides, the more we realize that switching to organic farming methods would be a better idea for our families. In conventional farming methods, farmers apply the chemicals in order to get rid of pests, including bugs, worms and rodents. When the crops are harvested, they must be treated with the pesticides as well. These residues can end up in the water supply, and eventually the air. It’s likely that you don’t realize how much pollution there is in your area.

So, what does that mean for you? Organic foods are grown without any pesticides, at least so far as the plants themselves. They’re also grown without the chemicals that control pests and keep them under control. One reason why organic products sassos says there’s less risk involved with them.

Organic fruits and vegetables contain all of the nutrients that you need to stay healthy. That means they are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Non-organic produce has lower levels of these essential nutrients, and some of the nutrients can even be toxic when they get into the body. Organic produce masses says that this is because conventional pesticides can disrupt the chemical balance of the fruits and vegetables.

That imbalance allows bugs, parasites and rodents to take over. And that means more money for the farmers, because they’re applying more of the chemicals to get the results they want. This is a vicious cycle, according to organic farmers. It’s something that critics of organic farming say is a shame, since pesticides are necessary to get the kinds of fruits and vegetables that consumers want. They wouldn’t make it on their own, after all.

So, how do organic farmers address this problem? They restrict the use of pesticides on their crops. Instead, they apply natural pesticides, which are plant-based, and don’t go into the soil at all. When weeds appear they pull them out by the roots. So, the plants’ roots are always in a good supply.

When it comes to organic products, that means avoiding many conventional products, including those with pesticide residues. Organic food companies are able to go through the process of getting their crops certified. Once that’s done, they can sell their organic products anywhere in the world. But that certification doesn’t eliminate the pesticide residue.

To draw the same conclusion about conventional agriculture, it’s important to remember that insecticides were used on a massive scale in the late twentieth century. Today, even with new pest control methods, there are still thousands of pounds of insecticides leftover in fields across the world. These insecticides, according to some researchers, may be responsible for the increased incidence of chronic diseases like autism and ADHD. And, of course, they have been linked to the development of cancer. That’s not to mention the crop yields being lost as a result of bad pesticide residue.

So, the bottom line is that conventional farming methods do much more harm than good for both animal and human life. There’s simply no doubt that farmers who choose to use no pesticides will be protecting their families from exposure to dangerous weed killers and insecticides. That’s why organic food safety has become such a popular topic among environmental groups and other citizens concerned about our environment. They want farmers to take the steps necessary to protect the environment, because what’s in the soil makes up a significant part of the food we consume.

According to the USDA, the average American consumes over two pounds of pesticides and weed killer every year. And, that doesn’t include the amount of chemical fertilizer and animal feed that ends up in the ground. So, the fact that more than two million pounds of these chemicals are being consumed every year is a very important issue.

And, organic food production is only one step in the direction of reducing chemical contamination of our foods. Organic agricultural techniques and practices are also helping farmers to protect their natural resources, while increasing crop production and reducing the amount of pesticides used on their crops. Hopefully this trend will continue, leading to safer and healthier food production, healthier soil, and a healthier America.