Making Organic Fertiliser – How to Use No Pesticides and Have Beautiful Garden Results

no pesticides

Making Organic Fertiliser – How to Use No Pesticides and Have Beautiful Garden Results

Many gardeners are reluctant to use natural fertiliser because they fear that it will contain pesticides. But the truth is that there is nothing in natural fertiliser that will harm your plants or any other part of your garden. This is because all natural fertiliser, including clover, wildflower, chicory and alfalfa, is free from pesticides and herbicides. This means that it is a complete organic product which cannot attract pests or diseases.

So why would anyone choose the non-organic fertiliser alternative? One reason is that pesticides and herbicides are hazardous to human health and are banned in many countries. Another reason is that artificial fertiliser contains many harmful substances which may affect the health of humans and animals. Finally, synthetic fertiliser is not biodegradable. It will sit on the soil for years before breaking down and eventually washing away with rainwater.

In contrast, natural fertiliser is made from organic material, such as manure or animal waste. There is no risk of ingesting pesticides or herbicides when using this organic product. Also, organic fertiliser does not pollute or damage the environment by releasing toxic chemicals into the air. This means that organic products have far fewer risks of causing environmental damage.

You can make your own organic natural fertiliser easily by following a few steps. The best type of natural fertiliser is slow-release. This means that the fertilizer breaks down slowly and is much more bioavailable to plants than other types of fertiliser. Therefore, slow-release fertilisers are ideal for gardens with plants that need fast growth, such as fast growing grass or plants that spread rapidly.

To make your own organic fertiliser, you should first collect the natural material from a place outside, preferably a hillside. The collected material can then be broken down using a farm fork or a garden spade. The material should then be mixed with a commercial product that contains slow-release pesticides. You should aim to blend about a teaspoon of each product for each 1-inch of area of garden soil.

Once the soil is mixed, you will want to add water to it, and then commence the slow-release application of the fertiliser. The fertilizer will break down slowly, thus allowing the soil to absorb the pesticide over a long period of time. After a few days, you should be able to see a gradual decline in the amount of pesticides that have been applied. After this period of time, you should be able to harvest your crops. However, it is important to realize that you should only harvest what you can eat, so refrain from harvesting your crops in excess.

Before using any organic fertiliser, make sure that you wear gloves and eye protection while applying it. The reason for this is that pesticides have been known to stay in the soil for years at a time, and these chemicals are not very friendly to your health. Also, be aware that the organic fertiliser you use will need to be applied every two weeks, and they should last for up to four years. In addition, it is essential that you wear protective gloves and other equipment so that you do not come into contact with the fertiliser. If you accidentally ingest any of the fertiliser, it will be difficult for your body to deal with.

Many people are now turning to organic fertiliser to feed their gardens. As these fertilisers are natural and safe, they can be used on a daily basis. No pesticides or chemicals are contained in these products, and the result is a healthier and more natural soil. When using an organic fertiliser, you will be contributing towards a healthy environment as well as ensuring that your garden is sustainable.