Growing Your Organic Garden – Protecting Your Family With No Pesticides

Have you ever wondered why there are no pesticides on the vegetables, herbs, fruits or the plants that you grow in your garden? The obvious answer would be to use pesticides. This would obviously ensure that the pests that do attack and kill your crops can be eliminated. However, many people are now turning towards organic gardening because they believe that this type of gardening is better for the environment as well as the health of those who grow it.

no pesticides

One of the best reasons to become organic is to avoid ingesting pesticides. You will notice that even if a product claims to be pesticide free, there is usually some pesticides or other substances mixed into the product. Just think about all of the additives that you put into your foods, such as artificial colorings and preservatives. These substances are commonly added as long as the food has a shelf life. If it is kept at room temperature, there really is no way that these additives would remain undetected in your food.

Many pesticides have been proven to be very toxic to humans as well as animals. They are known to cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, paralysis and even death in cases where the person has eaten large amounts of them. As you can see, the more chemicals in a substance has, the more dangerous it becomes and this includes the case of pesticides.

Natural fertilisers, on the other hand, are made from natural materials. They are plant-based and contain minerals that are needed by plants to produce healthy leaves and fruit. In addition, the natural fertiliser will add necessary vitamins to the soil that your plants will need. By working within nature, you will find that you are doing your part to keep pests away. Furthermore, organic farmers tend to use less chemicals, thereby eliminating the need for them in their plants. In this way, they are able to provide consumers with healthier products.

Rotenone is one natural pest deterrent. It is a naturally occurring sunscreen available from plants and vegetables. You might not think that you need a pesticide, but rotenone is extremely poisonous. It is used in many cosmetic products including rotaplasty (eye correction), in cosmetics, nail treatment and in hair dye. If you spray rotenone on a surface, such as your car, it will make the car disintegrate over time.

In order to get rid of rotenone, you should vacuum the affected areas. After vacuuming, you should spray the entire surface with a natural insecticide rotenone deterrent and allow it to sit for three days. The natural insecticide will sit on the surface and work overtime, exterminating any remaining rotenone-saturated insects. When there are no more insects, you can then wash your car in your garden and polish the area to get the final touch of a beautiful outdoor living space.

Many people don’t realize that the soil and plants that surround your home also contain natural pesticides. There are chemicals in the soil and plants that form natural pesticides when they interact with the bacteria in the soil and with light. There is evidence that certain types of plants may contain pesticides, inorganic pesticides and other natural substances that have been shown to be particularly dangerous to children, the elderly and those with certain allergies. Therefore, it is important to regularly test the soil for pesticides to make certain that your garden is free from these hazardous chemicals. This way, you protect your family from potential harm and you ensure a healthy environment for you and your family.

If organic foods are grown organically, they also contain pesticides, albeit in much lower amounts than those found in commercialized crops. Organic foods do require a lot more time to grow and are better for both you and your garden. For example, weeds will grow much faster in an organic garden as they try to find an escape route from the heavy plant concentration. A chemical-free growing environment minimizes this problem. This means that the plants in an organic garden will be healthier, stronger and more productive than those in a conventional garden with synthetic pesticides and herbicides.