Many people are increasingly moving toward growing their own food and planting at home as a way to reduce their ecological footprint. But what about those who would prefer to grow vegetables at home but don’t have the space?
Many of us live in small kitchens, only a kitchen. The kitchen is a place to prepare the things we need to eat and the rest is for preparing other meals and storing the leftovers. We love to gather our leftover food into a heap in the fridge, but there is a limit to how much food can be stored before we begin to run out of space.
And why not, we are eating what we want. But not everyone is able to prepare the same variety of foods. Some people are allergic to the types of foods we enjoy, and they may prefer to avoid them.
So what are some of the vegetables you could grow at home? We asked our clients, and here are some suggestions. You may decide to include these foods into your weekly menu or enjoy more than one of them each week.
Asparagus is high in protein and low in calories and very good for cooking or adding to salads. Just chop it up and toss with a little oil and lemon juice. Then just keep in the fridge for when you want to serve some to your family.
Green beans are another good choice, especially when the greens are mashed. Make the pesto for your vegetable salad and top with green beans. You’ll have a healthier option for those who may not be able to eat the cooked kind.
Another healthy option is to try growing your own herbs, like parsley, mint, basil, tarragon, or Rosemary, and put them in ajar for guests to take home as a treat. Or try taking your homegrown herbs with you on trips, to make sure you’re prepared for the unexpected. Choose a few that you’d really like to have on hand.
For those who prefer organic vegetables, there are several options. You can either buy organic produce, pick your own, or grow your own. Whatever you choose, it is easy to grow organic produce if you can find the space.
If you like to pick tomatoes, you can grow them at home, but make sure to keep them refrigerated. Or if you are planning a garden, find some organic soil, preferably black so that you can grow basil or Rosemary in it. Pick the seeds, root tops, and roots you’ll need to transplant to a smaller container to grow larger plants later.
An easy option is to supplement your local weather and keep your food nutrient-rich, even with no fertilizer use. Find some soil that you can use for an organic vegetable garden. Take the summer rains, and make your own compost in the winter.
You’ll need a small pile of mulch or compost to get started. Keep it moist all year long so that it stays crumbly and breakable. Now you’re ready to cultivate!
A little planning will go a long way in making your vegetable garden a success. Do yourself a favor and start planting your vegetables this year!